Thursday, August 28, 2014


Sometimes I just live with things I have come to hate.  Like our entry hallway off our garage.  This is the door we use to get into the house 99% of the time, and it was way overdue for a paint job.  The walls were stenciled (can we say 90's?) and badly scuffed from years of neglect.  Anyway, I had finally had enough.

BEFORE-you can't see them but those stenciled patterns are under that white paint

Pretty yellow paint.

I had the hardest time getting the baseboards off-I needed to because I planned on putting up beadboard.  The tiler had just tiled and grouted up to the baseboards so I had to chisel a line through the grout to get them loose.  Oh man, this was really hard!!  I couldn't get enough leverage in one part.  It was loose, but wouldn't come off...

AN IDEA!!-This shovel should give me the leverage I need-right?

WELL...Maybe not so much.  Oh boy, WHAT HAVE I DONE?  Good thing I have paneling sitting in the garage -right?


It looks so cherry and clean now.  Hooks for coats and basket for gloves and hats.  I may want to buy a small cushion so we don't scratch the bench.

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