Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It's Cupcake Time!

I made this little cupcake purse for the "Princessqueengeneral's" 4th birthday party. It was stocked with pencils, memo pads, stickers and, of course, gum!
A Tinker Bell cake for a fairy princess.

She is one of the 6 apples of my eye and has the typical 4 year old's attitude of knowing it all and can do it myself attitude. She is SO FUN to talk to.

This was the hit of the day. Her parents gave her a little princess couch so she can watch Barbie movies in total comfort! What more could a girl want??


  1. what a cute little purse... you must have a princess couch to watch Barbie movies...

  2. Oh gee, that purse is just the cutest. You are such a wonderful grandma. I should watch and take lessons. Love you, Marta

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